Devlog5 : The last week of production 1

This week was the last week of our first production sprint, we will post some of the major updates/changed here.
Gameplay wise, our dev Robbe, has done quite some significant changes, such as:
Adding the magnet mechanic:
You can now collect small scrab with it. By doing so, you attract the small scrab and when they enter the ship, you collect them, this will fill the top left bar. You can't collect more than there is cargo space.
Adding the deposit station:
To empty the cargo, you can now go to the deposit station. Based on the amount the ship has, it will take more time to take them away. We call this validating. the scrap is being validated to get its value added to your score.
Adding a message when player is to far from the mainstation
Added the timer:
Now, the object will go faster after the timer hits 0. On top of it, this class has gotten the function to know when to spawn a boss, this will be further build on when he starts making the boss.
Added the large scrap:
When objects spawn, there is now a chance that a large scrap spawnes. this will spawn medium scrab when cut.
Added to the scrap, there is now a simple system to add new scrap to a list, when a scrap spawns, it will random pick one according to the correct size. Large scrap hasn't been added yet,
Updated the lock-on:
After a lot of testing it was very notiable that you currently can lock on all objects. This made it extremely hard to lock on scrap. Right know it will only function on scrap and the boss when it is implemented. Next week we will change it that it also won't lock on small scrab, so the player is not wasting time and energy on something it can't cut.
Additional to the small scrap being ignored, we stumbeled on the problem that is is not so visible when smal scrab is near other scrab and the player would forget there is still to collect (before it hits an asteroid and is destroyed). Thats also something we have to do till next week.
Updated the spawning:
spawning previously went a bit grid based, our programmer fixed this by adding some random position in a radius. It is easily adjustable if we want to change something.
Our artist team has also done quite alot of work.
Ship and stations
Niels has finished modeling the ship and all first upgrades, making it texture ready for Thijs. This is the result of their teamwork:
Niels has continued concepting the second upgrades, here's a picture of the right side of the ship with second upgrades
Wouter was in charge of the spacestations, he has already concepted all three of them, and textured one of them.
Mainstation, upgrade station and deposit station
The environment
The environment has also gotten a big upgrade from Alex, from finished asteroids to a moving backdrop

Here's a gif for the environment in action
Scrap has also been finished complete with textures, you've already seen a glimpse of it on the scrap in action.
That was it for this week, we hope to see you on the next one!
Get Salvage
Status | In development |
Authors | WillemDriessen, CasierRobbe, alexdekeyser, Thijs Stoffelen, NielsCouvreur, UNIT1337 |
Genre | Survival |
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